
What is leadership coaching?

There is no consensus nor conclusion neither a clear definition for executive, leadership, professional and business coaching. All of them are in fact different types of professional coaching which is different from life coaching as its primary focus is on professional rather than personal issues. Executive coaching more broadly covers work with executives across the organisation, senior as well as more junior high potentials. It is used most effectively by those who have significant responsibility for the current and future success of an organisation and who have a potential and will to grow, develop and change. Leadership coaching is about enabling managers to change, providing a space to reflect and come to understand themselves and ultimately to release and channel their creativity towards their organisational goals. 

Some of the outcomes leadership coaching is often used to achieve:

  • Supporting leaders/managers development programmes (often supporting training transfer following training workshops)
  • Supporting leaders/managers transition to a new leadership and management approaches (e.g. coaching approach to leading and managing)
  • Supporting leaders/managers implementing organisational change
  • Supporting leaders/mangers stepping into a new role
  • Supporting emerging talent

How does Leadership Coaching with me look, feels and sounds like? 

My executive Leadership Coaching practice focuses on three areas. First is supporting leaders to build their courage to be authentic and organisations to become great, with focus on the significance of trust and truth telling in organizational leadership. Second, supporting female leaders build confidence to Dare to Lead (Brown) and empowering women transition into leadership positions. I help them achieve it through addressing limiting beliefs, positive visualization and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). As well as by helping client create state of strong inner motivation and confidence in their skills and abilities by working on the level of their identity, mission, vision and purpose. Third, people often choose to or are promoted to leadership positions without prior preparation and without knowing their ‘why’ which in longer run makes it difficult for them to develop and thrive in the role. As a coach I help client discover why they do what they do (purpose and values), set their vision, mission and strategy and support them do it for others to help improve quality of leaders in organisations as well as help leaders grow and be happier in their roles. I help develop leaders to become more self-aware, authentic and empowering. Through Leadership Coaching I help them enhance motivation and goal setting, develop key leadership capabilities and ignite their creative solution focused thinking.

Benefits of ZenCoaching for the Executives, Leaders and their Organizations

“Leaders are very attracted to people who can join them in commitment to their goal, respectfully and robustly bring differences to the table, and offer alternative ways to think about an issue” (O’Neill). 

Coaching increases capability and performance for the individual benefit of a coachee and leaders distribute that coaching benefit further to their teams. Executive coaching involves practical, goal-focused forms of one-on-one learning and behavioural change. The objectives of coaching are focused on improving individual performance and personal satisfaction, and, consequently, enhancing organizational effectiveness. Coaching may be used to improve individual performance or enhance leadership development work through organizational issues such as culture change. It can improve specific leadership skills and capabilities as well as individual and organisational performance. Coaching trains leaders to be inspiring and authentic, to develop more empowered, effective and self-fulfilled individuals, teams and organisations, and to help solve problems and come up with innovative solutions for the individual and for the organization.

Often executives may reach the top ranks without addressing their limitations. Coaching offers both safe and uninterrupted Thinking Environment and Partnership and sounding board for leaders to achieve high quality self-awareness especially important in challenging moments at work, be more authentic and help others do the same to inspire motivation and talent, what’s best in people. Coaching offers the executive a golden opportunity to step back and reflect on personal development and performance and act in a more purposeful way which is strategic in nature, helping to align the organisation with its vision, mission and purpose and with the people who are in it. The most valuable coaching fosters cultural change for the benefit of the entire organization. Strategic coaching helps succeed in aligning the needs of the business with the development needs of its people and motivated workforce with higher capability delivers more value to organisations. Strategic coaching should therefore integrate personal development and organizational needs which can help leaders adapt to new responsibilities, reduce destructive behaviours, enhance teamwork, align individuals to collective goals, and support organizational change.  
