
What is nature coaching?

Nature Coaching is about bringing people into an environment of calm. When we connect with nature, we calm our nervous systems and achieve a level of relaxation that allows us to reconnect with our true selves. Spending time in nature can also push us out of our comfort zone, help us face certain fears and overcome blockages. Furthermore, ICF defines Nature Coaching as an approach to coaching developed in connection with Nature. It’s aimed at restoring human beings to their natural ability to take care of themselves, of all beings, and the Universe. This way, coaching can contribute to sustainable development and life preservation on our planet, for generations to come. Thus, the benefit of Nature Coaching is both for a client and for the natural environment they live in. 

ZenCoaching is Nature Coaching: Explore – Discover – Transform

Zen element of my ZenCoaching practice comes from ancient ZEN philosophy. ZEN is coming into harmony, really being in a place of feeling centred, reclaiming and expanding the present moment, remembering our connection to our true nature and nature around us. My Nature Coaching practice builds on this and other ancient wisdom practices and is about restoring and remembering our connection to nature and about putting things into balance and harmony whilst working on a mental and intellectual level of problem solving, intention setting, creativity, self awareness, development and growth. 

I offer a customised, individual & professional coaching in nature to reconnect with oneself, to release creativity, release blockages and to hold a space to think and contemplate. I encourage practicing mindfulness and meditation. Coaching sessions take place in an environment of calm (outdoors and indoors) in a close connection with nature, to strengthen the balance between body, mind and spirit.

Mindfulness is not paying more attention to but paying attention differently and more wisely – with the whole mind and heart, using the full resources of the body and its senses. 

Nature Coaching for Integrative Wellness and Health 

My coaching practice is at the intersection of ancient wisdom and cutting-edge research. It  integrates ancient practices like meditation, chakra healing, breath work, archetypes, music and nature sounds, with evidence-based science, like positive and cognitive behavioural psychology, neuroscience, brain science, neurolinguistic programming, mindfulness and logotherapy, to create holistic-wellbeing. It honours my clients individuality, their role in the universe, nature, biorythm, and the seasonality of life while amplifying emotional, spiritual, and physical health. With this holistic approach, I coach and support clients on their healing journeys as they achieve their life and professional goals with greater joy and calm, without burning out. My practice helps clients achieve greater health, wellbeing and success on their own terms. By honouring the biological and cosmic rhythms, developing deeper understanding of self through coaching and integrating simple but powerful mind-body practices, they experience the profound sense of purpose, confidence and calm that comes from within.  

With Nature Coaching you:

  • learn how to reconnect with nature around you,
  • remember or discover your true nature,
  • learn how to use your intuitive intelligence,
  • learn who you truly are and meant to be,
  • learn to practice mindfulness with all your senses, 
  • release your mental and physical blockages,
  • release your creative energy,
  • learn healthy productivity with joy and calm,
  • achieve personal and professional transformation. 

Nature Coaching holds a space for deep reflection, contemplation (thinking space), encourages fearless compassion & deep listening. 

How does Nature Coaching with me look, feel and sound like? 

Imagine having an experience of integrative healing and wellness of your body, mind and spirit. Imagine undertaking coaching conversations on walks, hikes, treks, on a bike, in nature, on the beach, at the lake, on a mountain, in a national park… places around the word with special energy… Or simply imagine bringing nature into a coaching session indoors. Dive into the universe of ancient wisdom combined with latest brain science and integrated into a holistic mind and body experience that helps remove physical nods, blocks and emotional and mental blockages and enables self development, growth and fulfilment. My coaching practice combines the deep intuitive approach with scientific approach and includes:

  • Nature Journey to Self-Discovery.
  • Grounding/ Earthing Practices. 
  • Creativity Flows and Releasers.
  • Calm and Healthy Productivity. 
  • Self-Awareness of Body and Mind
  • Wild Woman Archetype Discover Your True Self. 
  • Working with cards – archetypes, stories, images, visions and metaphors. 
  • Guided Mindfulness Meditation and Breathwork. 
  • Harness The Power of Your Intuition. Calling to better understand yourself and who you really are. 
  • Release The Impostor Syndrome. 
Check for coaching packages and book your discovery session.

Coaching workshops and rituals coming up in 2024/2025

  • Full Moon Ritual (monthly) – Belgium.
  • New Moon Intentions Setting Ritual (monthly) – Belgium. 
  • N O U S Retreat – 5-12 April 2025 and 16-23 June 2025, France – find out more here

We have everything inside and within us already when we arrive on planet Earth and even more with life wisdom and experience we gain over time.  

